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Freeze. Grind. Extract.

Liquid nitrogen or CO₂ can improve hemp-CBD quality and yield.

In the fast-growing industrial hemp market, industrial gases can play an important role in growing, harvesting, processing, extraction and packaging. Air Products has been successfully supplying industrial gases to the food and pharmaceutical industries for over 60 years. Now, we're applying our expertise to support hemp producers as well.


Learn more about cryogenic cooling for hemp

Liquid nitrogen cooling finds use in an array of applications to help industrial hemp processors meet increasing quality, safety, and market demands. This article is from the February 2020 edition of Process Cooling Magazine and details our Cryogenic Cooling Solutions for Compliant Industrial Hemp Processing.
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Case Study

Why United Bio Freeze switched from traditional drying methods to flash freezing their hemp harvest

Put our experts to the test.

Contact us for a free-application analysis or call 800-654-4567, press 3 (mention code 12557). Sales will only be made to customers who can show compliance with applicable state and federal laws and regulations.

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How We Can Help

Our team of experts can review your process and help you identify opportunities where liquid nitrogen or CO2 can enhance product quality and shelf-life, increase productivity, and improve safety. We have a state-of-the-art applications lab to test your product, or we can visit your site for field testing.






Hemp Grinding Brochure Cover

Cryogenic grinding solutions for hemp

There is more to hemp than just CBD oil. Whether it be seed, fiber, or flower — potential uses for food, nutrition, fiber, and fuel are increasing. Download our hemp grinding brochure to learn more about how using liquid nitrogen or carbon dioxide in your milling or grinding process can help.
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Cryogenic Cooling for Hemp Processing

Did you know industrial gases can help improve the harvesting and processing of industrial hemp?

Prechilling Hemp before Extraction Process

Consistent batch to batch extraction is possible.
*Sales will only be made to customers who can show compliance with applicable state and federal laws and regulations.